Travis is a native Oregonian. And much to my dismay, so is our daughter. If we had just stayed in Washington one more month Shelby would be a Washingtonian. I would have preferred that. And at times I get annoyed thinking about Shelby's Oregonian-ism. It's petty, I know. For Travis' sake and for Shelby's sake I'm working on making peace with Oregon.
Don't get me wrong. I don't hate Oregon to the core. I just have a hard time finding things I like about Oregon. The first two items on my list of "Things I Like about Oregon" are nutria and landscape variety. But, recently I discovered another item to add to my list. We are up to 3 now. I'm making progress.
#3 - Blackberries

Blackberries are a weed in Oregon. They grow everywhere. Almost everyone in Oregon can pick blackberries in their own backyard. If locals don't have them in their yard they know someone who does. Travis and I have blackberries growing on the side of our property. My parents have them in their backyard and Travis' parents have them, too. Most people I know have access to a personal blackberry bush.
In contrast, most other places I've lived (excluding Washington) don't offer this. When I lived in Colorado I knew 1 family who had raspberry bushes in their backyard. I remember thinking it was totally awesome to have free fruit at your fingertips every summer. To my recollection that family is the only family I've ever known to have access to berries in their backyard. Until now.
Last week for our family activity Travis, Shelby and I raided our parents backyard and picked about 6 cups of blackberries. It only took 30 minutes. We could have picked more if the sun hadn't set. A few days later I washed the berries, munched on some with the Shelbs out on our deck and made a blackberry pie. It was a good pie. Fresh, wild blackberries are the best. And that's when I realized I love being able to pick blackberries every summer, free of charge. Oregon Blackberries are awesome.
OK I think these "becoming friends" posts are your funniest. Blackberries ROCK! We have them here, too, but it must be even better there. So now you've gotta go a post on all the things you've MADE with your blackberries...
Um, did you know that I'm moving to Oregon next month? Where do you live?
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