Monday, September 7, 2009

Alder Flat

Every year over Labor Day weekend the Gray family gathers together for a easy backpacking camping trip. Every year the kids get bigger (or increase in number) and the more stuff we all end up hauling in. The hike into Alder Flat is just about a mile and it's an easy hike which makes it easier for the boys to make multiple trips to the car to bring all our gear into camp. Every year I'm amazed at Travis' ability to turn into a pack mule.

Last year at Alder Flat, Shelby was just 1-year old and barley walking. It was difficult to keep an anxious walker happy amidst sticks, stones and fires she was falling into or around.

This year, Shelby was a much happier camper.

I am surprised Shelby didn't turn into a marshmallow because she probably ate an entire bag of mallows all by herself. She deemed herself the keeper of the marshmallows and everyone had to go through her in order to roast a mallow over the fire.

One of my favorite things to watch this year were Tyler and Shelby playing together and speaking to each other in their toddler gibberish. I'm sure they had a lot of fun together.

It also rained a lot this year, but we were prepared with a ginormous tarp we hung from the trees to protect us.

Making an Alder Flat appearance for the first time this year was Beth. It was fun to see her at Alder Flat and the kids were happy she brought decent roasting sticks for the fire. Shelby loves her Auntie Beth, but in this photo she wasn't too happy with me for taking a picture.

It was colder than usual this year so we spent a lot of time by the fire or underneath the tarp. That encouraged a lot of snuggling and s'more eating.

1 comment:

Tiffany said...

You guys are so cute! Looks like fun. We need to come visit you sometime. I don't think it's too far. Hmmm.