Friday, August 26, 2011

Shelby's 4th Birthday Cake

Shelby turns 4 tomorrow!  So, naturally it feels like Christmas Eve at our house today.  Shelby has been going around shouting, "I can't wait to be 4-years old!"  It's pretty cute and I LOVE her excitement.

A few weeks ago I asked Shelby what kind of cake she wanted.  Her answer:  A pink cake with all the Princesses.  I had no idea how I was going to pull this off.  Her Elmo Cake from her 2nd birthday was easy and her Incredible Cake I did last year wasn't too bad either, thanks to lovely little trick I learned in frozen buttercream transfers.  I spent a lot of time browsing the Internet looking for ideas for a Princess Cake.  Most of them seemed way too over the top for me to attempt.  The more I looked at cakes the more worried I became about getting ALL the princesses on her cake.  The buttercream transfer idea would work, but it would be way too hard/time consuming for me to do that kind of cake.  Luckily, Shelby came home one day with a little Cinderella figurine that would be PERFECT to put on top of her cake.  I went from toy store to toy store looking for additional Princess figurines with no luck.  I found a few options on the Internet, but I wasn't willing to spend $25 for cake toppers.  Then one day I stopped at the Dollar Tree for some coloring books and much to my surprise I found 4 more Princess figurines at a price I was willing to spend!  Yay!  Now, I just had to figure out what her cake should look like...

I spent most of the day Thursday making her birthday cake.  Shelby wanted a chocolate cake with white frosting on the inside and pink frosting on the outside.  Since I am not good at frosting a cake smooth I thought I'd try making marshmallow fondant.  Making the fondant was SUPER easy. I also saw a lovely tutorial on how to make fondant roses and leaves and gave that a try.  Also, super duper easy.

I wish you all could have seen the look on Shelby's face when I showed her the finished cake.  Totally made all that hard work worth it.

Here is the cake before I put the candles on

 And a view of the back

Shelby saw the "magic wand" candles at the grocery store and she fell in love with them.


Alicia said...

Those are some serious cake decorating skills! I love how it turned out.

angelalois said...

GORGEOUS. I am impressed with your fondant. Sometimes it looks so plasticy, but yours looks awesome. Was it tasty? The problem with fondant is that it often tastes gross.

Chelle said...

Looks awesome - great job, Ann! Shelby is a very lucky girl and it looks like she adored the cake!