Friday, July 8, 2011

Much Anticipated & Long Awaited

I was diagnosed with having a fertility problem when I was 20 years old.  My doctor told me I was going to have a hard time getting pregnant, but with the help of fertility medications like, Clomid, I would probably be able to conceive.  6 years later I was married and I began to realize just how difficult it would really be for me to become pregnant.  It took doctors and the help of an (really nasty and mean) endocrinologist 6 months or so to discover the reasons behind my fertility problem; Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS).  I started on Metformin, a medication known to help women with PCOS conceive.  I also took Clomid 6, 7 or 8 times and it NEVER worked.  In May 2006, just before I was about to take my last round of Clomid, I  I found out I was pregnant.  I miscarried at 6 weeks.  All in all, it took us 2 years to become pregnant with Shelby.  She was our miracle baby.

We thought we had my body figured out by the time we started trying for baby #2 in the fall of 2008.  After 1 full year of absolutely no success we started searching for natural remedies for PCOS.  We learned that a low-carb diet is very helpful with women in PCOS so I started low-carbing in November of 2009.  In January, I learned that PCOSers who run for exercise (as opposed to walking or elliptical training, for example) have more luck achieving pregnancy.  So, I began running - a lot.  In May 2010, I became pregnant, but I miscarried at 5 weeks.   After the miscarriage, we began looking into more natural remedies to help with my diet and exercise routine.  In the fall of 2010, we discovered, Insulite, a series of herbal supplements to be taken 4 times a day.  Insulite, in conjunction with a low-carb diet and exercise has been proven to help many women with PCOS conceive naturally.  In October, 2 months after I started taking Insulite I found out I was pregnant again.  I miscarried at 9 weeks just days before Thanksgiving.

I know I am not the only woman out there who struggles with infertility, but it sure felt like it. The holidays were miserable.  I felt like all the happiness was sucked out of me.  All the hope I had for having more children was pretty much gone.  I started trying to figure out how to become OK with only having 1 child. I was in really bad shape.  I cried a lot.  And I prayed a lot, hoping to find answers or some sort of direction.

In January 2011, still feeling totally defeated and at the end of my rope, both emotionally and mentally, I finally turned to the help of a reproductive endocrinologist (a fertility doctor).  My consultation appointment was scheduled for February 14, 2011.  During our initial visit, Dr. Greenberg talked to me and Travis for a long time about our situation.  She seemed pleased with all the knowledge we had about PCOS and all the steps I had taken on my own to conceive naturally.  Dr. Greenberg decided to put me on Femara for 3 cycles.  Femara is a  medication that stimulates ovulation.  It's similar to Clomid, but has been proven to be more effective in women who do not respond to Clomid, like me.  She said Femara seems to work really well for women with PCOS.  She told us if this didn't work we would  move on to hormone injections which would cost us about $3,500 a month.  We were really praying we didn't have to take that route.

When March 11th came around it was time for me to take a pregnancy test.  I was beyond nervous.  The 3 minutes I had to wait for the test to work was pure torture. 

The test was POSITIVE.  I didn't believe it so I took another pregnancy test.  It was POSITIVE.  Thinking something was up with my urine I waited until the evening to take another test.  It was POSITIVE.  The next day I took 5 more pregnancy tests; all POSITIVE

I started freaking out.  The pregnancy tests I was using were purchased online so I began thinking these pregnancy tests were defective.  I went to the store and bought 3 top of the line pregnancy tests.  I took one first thing in the morning; POSITIVE.  One in the afternoon; POSITIVE.  And since I still thought these tests were defective I made Travis test his urine for pregnancy; NEGATIVE.

OK.  I think I'm pregnant.  My follow-up with Dr. Greenberg was scheduled for the next day so she'd be able to confirm the pregnancy.  The blood test came back POSITIVE.  My doctor put me progesterone, a medication to help sustain early pregnancies and to help improve my chances for a viable pregnancy.  She told me I just needed to get past the 12-week mark, which seemed like an eternity that would never come.  I couldn't believe Femara had worked on the first cycle!

I was totally pregnant and totally freaking out.  I just knew that at any moment I was going to miscarry.  The 2-week wait for the 6-week ultrasound was nerve-wracking. I was a basket-case.  No matter what I did, I couldn't seem to relax. 

On the day of the 6-week ultrasound I was convinced we wouldn't be able to find a heartbeat.  I was scared to death.  But, there it was; a strong heartbeat was flashing away.

I was just as nervous at my 10-week ultrasound.  I was, again, convinced there would be no heartbeat and I'd have to prepare for another miscarriage.  But, there it was, a strong heartbeat pounding away. My doctor told me that my chance of a miscarriage at this point had dropped to just 10%.  Still, I was very nervous and I was still trying to prepare myself emotionally for another miscarriage, even though my doctors didn't seem to be worried. 

On July 7th I had another ultrasound. I was 21-weeks pregnant and so very nervous.  My doctor said everything looked good and the baby is healthy.  I am having a BABY!  I feel so BLESSED.

The baby was laying sideways so we had a hard time getting the traditional profile baby picture.  We were just really glad everything was OK and that there was a good, strong heartbeat.  I am due on November 17th.  (My last miscarriage occurred on November 16th).  This Thanksgiving we will have much to be thankful for.



angelalois said...

I am crying! What a beautiful Skeletor baby you have! I am SO happy for you. AND my birthday is November 18 so I am rooting for full term plus one day!! LOVE IT!! YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am so glad you found a new doctor you love who had great ideas that worked. Wonderful.

Janelle said...

Though I didn't know you the first time around, I seem to remember you saying something at some point about fertility issues. I know several people in my ward right now with varying types of infertility, and a really good friend with PCOS. I've been thinking about you, wondering how things were going, presuming you were trying. My good friend with PCOS has been trying about a year less than you have been, but her first time around, they ended up having to do AI, and she's got triplets. She had a fantastic doctor the first time around, but isn't happy with her doctor this time (she's in a different state now).

Anyway, I'm really happy and excited for you. I can't empathize, because I haven't had the least bit of difficulty, but I can still cheer for you, right? I also totally understand now why you didn't say anything until you were this far along. Congratulations, and I hope that the pregnancy itself has been much easier than getting there.

Shiree said...

What a blessing, Ann! Best of luck in your miraculous pregnancy.

Kim said...

Congratulations! So happy for you.

Chelle said...

Oh, Ann - saying I'm happy for you doesn't seem to adequately convey the appropriate emotions. Even though you guys have been away for a while, in watching your blog & FB, it seemed like something was wrong. I worried about you from afar, but hoped you were well because I didn't want to pry. Reading about the dark times you've experienced over the last couple of years made me sad, but the good news is all the better because of it. I'm glad you found a good doctor, have an awesome husband, have a beautiful little girl and I'm very glad the Lord saw it fit to bless you with another one. Best wishes to you as the days lead up to November!

Tamara said...

You're half-way there...keep on keepin' on! I am glad you found a fertility doctor that had a good plan for you guys. When are you going to let us know the gender? Will Shelby be a big sister to a baby sister or baby brother?
Love you.

wandering nana said...

I told chelle that I was worried about you a while ago as I had been reading your blog and fb. I now understand. I have a daughter who has not been able to have children. It has been so hard to watch her and her hubby go thru this. Seven years ago they decided that they needed to focus on other things... it has been so hard to watch. She is the best Auntie now. I am so excited for ypu. Congrats and thanks for sharing the beautiful story.

Alicia said...

I am so happy for you! I'm so glad things are going well.

Lydia Moon said...

Congratulations, Ann!!! I'm so happy for you! I too have struggled with infertility, PCOS being one of many problems for me. It took me six years to get pregnant with our first set of twins and about two years to get pregnant with our second set. We had to do IVF both times. I love that you have done so many natural things on your own. Sounds like there are some new things out there now. I wish you all the best. My heart truly goes out to you! What a blessing and miracle to finally be pregnant! Love, Lydia

pamela said...

Thanks for sharing your story, Ann! You are an amazing woman and mother...I'm so happy for you and Travis and Shelby! Love ya!

Erica said...

hey pretty lady! i haven't stayed current on private blogs and am crying my eyes out with happiness for you and travis and shelby! you are such an inspiration. i'm very grateful to know you and to have read your story. love love love you lady! congrats!