Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Love Her

Our recent trips to various hot tubs/pools have given Shelby the idea that we can go swimming  all the time.  I'm relieved Shelby finds the bathtub a suitable replacement for swimming pools and hot tubs.  

Yesterday afternoon my house became very quiet.  I knew Shelby had to be up to something so I tracked her down to see what she was up to.  Usually, she's into my make-up or trying on her dad's shoes.  But, this time she was up to something I haven't seen before.  It sure made me smile.

Her response when I asked her what she was doing;  "I'm just reading my scriptures, Mom."
Love it.


Janelle said...

That's gotta make it seem worth it those other times that she's into your makeup.

angelalois said...

hey! we have the same exact bath toy holder thingie!!!!!