Sunday, January 3, 2010

PMCO and Puzzles

Travis, Beth, and Travis' mom, sisters and brother play in the Portland Mormon Choir and Orchestra. Here's a group shot after their first Christmas concert.

My parents watched Shelby the other night so Travis could take me on a date. My dad and Shelby put together a puzzle. I couldn't decide which picture was the cutest, so I put them all on.

1 comment:

wandering nana said...

I love the gun. My daughter sent out a Christmas card and my son-in-law is dressed in a suit with my daughter next to him and he is holding a gun. They did family pictures and this was done in a field near an old burned out building. Their children are playing in front of them. It is pretty funny. I'm waiting for my 5 yr old granddaughter to ask for a gun.