Calling 911 isn't something I do everyday. Actually, it's something I've never done. But, today I finally made that 3-digit call.
This afternoon my brother had come to pick me up from my dental appointment (which you'll read about it a minute). As we were leaving the parking lot we noticed a decent sized fire in the field right in front of us. We both looked at each other in amazement and I said to my brother, "I should probably call 911." And my brother said, "uh, ya. I think so. That's a huge fire." The 911 people are not very nice, by the way. And they are sticklers for having exact addresses.
So, I had a dental appointment this morning to have 3 cavities filled. This is the most amount of cavities I've ever had at one time. It's was a shock for both me and my dentist, who for the 1st time in 2 years, told me I couldn't be in the "No Cavity of the Month Club." It's been a horrible adjustment for me, but I'm pulling through.
The appointment went as good as dental appointments can go. And I can finally understand why people hate going to the dentist. It's not fun. After the appointment my dentist was explaining to me that he believes my cavities were caused during my pregnancy because I threw up so much. How awesome is that?!?! Isn't being sick for 4 months bad enough?!? Come on!
While my dentist was explaining this to me I was realizing that I was seeing 2 dentists and 2 computers and 2 sinks when there only should have been 1 of each. That was a little disconcerting so I asked my dentist if Novocaine can affect vision. Turns out it can, but in most cases the double vision and inability to focus lasts only 30 minutes or so. In severe cases the vision problems lasts until the Novocaine wears off. I was lucky enough to be in the 2nd group where the double vision lasts as long as the Novocaine. I sat in the dentist's chair for 1 hour before I finally gave up in getting my vision back and I called my brother to come save me. It was just after that when we spotted the fire. Sure made for a weird day.
YIKES!! Hope you are feeling better! I always get more cavities after being pregnant too!
The one time i called 911 was a very pleasant experience until the lady asked me to see if the driver was still in the truck. Climbing up the cab of an overturned semi fully expecting to see some sort of carnage inside is not a good time.
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