Monday, May 18, 2009

That Was Odd

As I was checking my e-mail I heard a weird tapping sound outside my window. The shade was down so I couldn't see if anything was outside. The noise ended almost as quickly as it began, so I dismissed the noise and continued checking my e-mail. But, a minute later I hear the same tapping noise. I quickly opened the shade, but I didn't see anything unusual. I only saw the trees blowing in the wind. I assumed the tapping noise was caused by the wind. It seemed odd, but I couldn't think of any other reason. A minute later the tapping was back, but this time I saw what was causing the tapping. A BIRD was tying to get IN the window. Lucky for me I had my camera ready and snapped a few photos for evidence. Talk about weird.


wandering nana said...

What kind of bird is it? In Nebraska they had yellow sparrows and it looks a lot like that. Did it finally give up?

Ann said...

It did finally give up. I had no idea what possessed it to try to get into a window. So strange. I have no idea what kind of bird it was so tiny.

Anonymous said...

There's a hummingbird at the clinic that keeps tapping holes in our walls...through the plaster, styrofoam, etc. He does it every year and now there are 6+ filled-in holes on our building. He just made a new one. Little turd. Maybe he was trying to nest in your window. :)

Anonymous said...

a woodpecker, duh... not a hummingbird.

Ann said...

Lol. I was wondering why a hummingbird, would be so determined to makes holes. But, actually when I saw this bird, I thought it was a hummingbird.

Darn woodpeckers, though. What a racket.