Wednesday, December 17, 2008

The Joys of Motherhood

We woke up at 2:30 this morning to the sounds of our sweet little girl crying. We waited a few minutes to see if she would calm herself down, which she usually does, but tonight she didn't. Travis went to into her room covered her with her blanket and told her everything would be alright. This is our normal protocol when the Shelbs cries in the middle of the night. Travis came back to bed and the crying continued. Again, we waited to see if she would calm herself, but she didn't. I wanted to let her cry herself back to sleep; I was tired and I really didn't feel like getting up. But, as I listened to her cry I could tell this cry was different from her other cries. She seemed scared so I decided to go into her room and comfort her as only a mother can.

When I reached down to pick Shelby up I immediately heard the relief in her cry. I sat down in the rocking chair and Shelby and I snuggled up beneath her yellow blanket. I tickled her face, I gently rubbed her back and I kissed her head. Her crying eased into gently breathing and I felt relief and satisfaction in my ability to calm my little one. As Shelby continued to relax in my arms I listened to the sweet and gentle rhythm of her breathing and thought how lucky I am to have this little girl in my life. After a few minutes of precious snuggling I turned my gaze to my daughter's face so I could look into her eyes. I looked at Shelby and she looked back at me. She reached out her hand and touched my cheek. I smiled and my heart was glad. With her warm and cute little hand still on my cheek she gently, but forcibly pushed my face away.

Ah, the sweet joys of Motherhood.


Anonymous said...

K - so I know exactly what you're saying, right up to the very end, only my kids stick their fingers in my mouth and then pull back my lip - reminding me that I need to clip their nails... Definitely sweet joys. :)

Anonymous said...

this is so so so sweet. I know how it feels. I've seen that little twinkle in his eye when he sees mom and just melts. It's amazing. Thanks for putting it into words so we can all remember how special it is.

Anonymous said...

this is such a tender story. just makes me tingle. geez, i can't wait to be a mom!

Anonymous said...

I'm so glad we can get moments like that. It definitely helps when you're having a rough day!