Sunday, June 15, 2008

Mazatlan the Hike

A few months ago Travis and I had dinner with some friends at our favorite Mexican place, Mazatlan. Things started our fairly well. Shelby was in a good mood and our friends son, who is a little older than Shelby, was content watching us talk amongst ourselves. After the food arrived things went downhill really fast. Shelby decided she didn't want us to have a good time. To make a long story short, I didn't get to eat any of my food and our table neighbors were giving us the stink eye. And, I was pretty sure the manager was going to ask us to leave. I could barely hear what Travis and our friends were talking about and Travis and I took turns taking Shelby outside to calm her down. Needless to say, our date didn't go well. And to make it worse, when we got home I dropped my take-home box all over our floor in the hallway. I was so mad. I didn't get to eat at the restaurant and I didn't get to eat at home. After this incident, whenever something goes very wrong, or not as planned, or if Shelby tries to sabotage our good-time, we call it Mazatlan.

Friday started out as a a good day. Travis had the day off and it was actually warm with no chance of rain. We decided to go on a hike at Melamoose Lake. It took us an hour and a half to drive to the trail head. When we arrived we saw that the path was snowed in. Can you believe our luck? We were thinking about hiking through the snow, but a park ranger, who was marking trees in the area, told us that the path is snowed in for miles and miles and it wouldn't be a good idea to hike through it. So, much for that idea. We went back to our car and tried to figure out what else we could do. We thought we could drive around to another trail head, but the closest one was thirty minutes away. We had already wasted an hour and a half contemplating our plans and by the time we'd get to the new trail head and hike there and back, Shelby would be way past her afternoon nap time. Shelby turns into a dragon at nap time and we didn't feel like dealing with a screaming baby during a 4-mile hike. (We learned that lesson the hard way on an earlier hike). No es bueno. We ended up going home and decided to dub this adventure, Mazatlan the Hike.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I hear you. Once my kids hit a certain age, I stop going to restaurants with them for awhile because it makes me absolutely crazy and like you said, no es bueno.